Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our blog is finally up running!

Well it's about time, but finally our blog is ready. This is going to be a great way for everyone to stay involved and be a part of our classroom. Every student will be able to help with the blog, and parents, you will be able to see what's happening in our classroom.


ditto said...

I like the music you have on the blog because the choir sang The Riddle and Breakaway last year. I also like to come onto the blog every once in a while to see if you have changed it at all.
Because the song is called the Riddle see if you can figure out who I am.
I am a boy who has brown hair. I am one of the tallest people in the class and I really like to read.
Who am I?

Dancergirl said...

I like our blog! I can't wait until more is on it! I love the music! Viva La Vida is one of my favorite songs! Because one of the songs is "The Riddle", try to guess who I am.
I am a girl with brown hair and blond highlights. I am one of the shortest people in the class. I don't have a white card, and I like to dance! Who am I?!

Britt or Michelle said...

I love your blog mom! Good thing I was here to help you. jk. I hope you have fun with your class this year. I think it is going to be a funny year! Bye!!!

softball_playa said...

Hi i'm in a diffrent class i'm in mrs. P's (im afraid to put her full name but you know who im talking about though!)

Mathboy said...
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Mathboy said...

Hello Mrs.Doman,
I think your blog is terrific!:)
I like the two books we're reading
in class.I think I'm going to do a
riddle....I have freckles and blonde hair...love to do math and
read about world war 2 I have a
dog(Lucky:)who am I?

If you said Joe it was incorrect!
OWWW! my little brother hit me!:(
I have choir in the morning, better say GOODBYE and Farewell!

bieberfever said...
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bieberfever said...

Hey i love the blog Mrs.Doman it is fantastic!!!!!!I have red-colored braces, brown hair,hazel eyes.Loves math,reading every school subject in the elementary.Who am I?


hi i am so energetic right now! i could go sky diving right now!!!@@###$$$$$%90 hi britt!!!!


hi mrs. doman i love the blog you have to put the aquarium on i was looking at those because i have a blog and it is awesome!!!@@#####$$$$$$$$$$%999990


hi!!!i am with my cousin max and we are writing this well have to go!!! :P

Anonymous said...

Hi ??????! This is Camrie and Bailee. We want to play with you so call me. Okay?! Okay! We are bored and want to play! BYEE! :-P