Sunday, September 14, 2008


Happy Birthday to Connor this past week and Mason this week!!

This past week in math we've been working on factoring and long division. Many of the students were struggling so I decided to have them take a multiplication test to make sure everyone knows their times tables. Congratulations to Kambrie, Camrie, and Hannah-They were the only students in the class that got 100% Way to go!

Hopefully the rest of you will keep practicing, we expect you to know all of your times tables through 12's in fifth grade! We will be having our test on Tuesday.

We will be reviewing vocabulary this week, so there will be no new words; But expect spelling as usual. It's always sent home on Monday, test on Friday. The base spelling words are: awesome, caught, caution, applaud, audio, unlawful, fauna, authority, bought, caulk, staunch, thoughtful. Remember, these are the base words. Your child will have a yellow, handwritten list of their personal words.

School picture day is coming up on September 18th, and don't forget about the book report that is due on September 26th. If you lost your orange paper for the book report just click on Mrs. Spark's class blog and she has a picture of it.



hello what up fellow classmates?! That pic is so cool! Our best friends are in it! Haha! GOOD BYE MY CLASSMATES!

bieberfever said...

I still love the blog Mrs.Doman.I just love the blog.It is fantastic.Bye-Bye.

Anonymous said...

Yo! I am eating cookie dough!