Friday, October 3, 2008

october news

Yea, we finished our IOWA testing! It always feels good to get that out of the way.
We are also finishing up our math chapter on fractions. Parents, remind your students that to add or subtract fractions you first have to get a common denominator. Our fraction test will be on Monday.
We have also just finished our class book, Maniac Magee, it had a lot of great lessons in it and we had some wonderful class discussions. We will be starting reading groups next week.
This month for rotations we have me teaching science-physical matter, Mrs. Bringhurst teaching projects, Mrs. Sparks and Miss Gleicher teaching writing, and Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Skeem teaching social studies; they will be talking about our United States constitution and government.

The storytelling competition is coming up at the end of the month, so if you're interested I need your sign-up sheet. I know we are all also looking forward to fall break on Oc. 16 and 17.

Our zeroes party for this month will be our Halloween party on October 31. Any student that gets a white card in October will be missing this party; unfortunately, there are already 2 students that won't be able to attend. It's is importantant that everyone stays caught up on their work.

You can tell from these amazing pictures of Trevor doing the "shake your booty" relay, and Connor doing the- I'm not quite sure what he's doing-that the zeroes party are full of fun. We want everyone to get to attend!


bieberfever said...

that`s funny.Also when Connor`s pants fell down then went up again that`s so so so so funny.

softball_playa said...

hi must say Mrs. Doman you have the BEST music yeah my teacher does have pretty darn good music but yours is my type! Though you should ask your doughter to put the song Mr. Bright Side on it now thats a good song!

Michelle G. said...

hi youre awesome!!!!
but you need more class pictures

bieberfever said...

I love your blog. I had a great Christmas. Did you? I hope so. love the blog Mrs.Doman